Everything was dark, still, and silent.

Yet I knew there was color, movement, and sounds around me. I was just not able to recognize them. Not at that moment. Under the thick blanket of burnout turned into depression, as a mother of two young children and trying to run a household … trying to run my life.

For a long time guilt and shame was the name of the game. Responsibility felt like a burden I was not equipped to carry. How could I?

This would have been the end. The story finished………. But … Something happened. A shift in perspective…..

A coach by my side said the word ‘responsibility’, and this time it felt different – it felt like a brand new word to me. A new light shone on the meaning. Or perhaps it was me. Maybe I heard the same word from a new angle, from another point of view. Who knows? And it does not matter.

Everything changed……

….The doors to clarity and new levels of joy, opportunity, and experience were open….

I saw colors —— I felt movement——- I heard all the sounds

My heavy blanket started lifting. I recognized and welcomed my personal responsibility for my own life with a sense of adventure and excitement. I set boundaries with myself and others.

This was the beginning. The beginning of my next chapter, my next adventure. It was going to change my life and my children’s lives, my family, and anyone I was going to be in contact with throughout the rest of my life.

Clarity took over. The questions I needed answers to became crystal clear. The answers would take time to find and discover. But without the right questions, you can’t find the right answers.

Clarity was key. Clarity is the key.

My personal quest for clarity about who I am, what I want, how I want to serve and achieve what I want, and – the biggest of all – why I want it became the mission.

The mission of a lifetime.

It became clear to me that this is a lifelong process of rediscovering and realigning, as I will keep moving forward. It became clear to me also that I was here to help people, that this is my purpose and it had been all along. It is somehow the purpose of all of us, as we live in a society serving each other.

I realized my power to have a positive impact on those around me. My children, family, friends, audiences, and clients. My own level of clarity helps others define and reach higher levels of clarity for themselves and furthermore inspire others.

Clarity did not appear to me, like lightning from the sky. It took time and effort

  • It takes time and effort.
  • It takes dedication and determination.
  • It takes a vision and the discipline to take action toward that vision.

Clarity takes effort and work. It’s simple, yet not always easy. I would not have achieved it alone. The thoughts inside my own mind needed a sounding board, a listening ear, an observer. I had a coach and a guide. Someone, who kindly reminded me to think outside the box – throw the box away.

Through my own process of finding clarity, the path became clear. The path I was destined and called to start walking in order to serve my purpose. The path of becoming a guide, a sounding board, an observer, and a listener myself. A coach.

  • It started listening.
  • It started asking questions.
  • It started helping others the way I had been helped.

My purpose is to help. Help others find clarity and discover that life is supposed to be joyful and balanced. Heavy stress and burnout are not necessary and are absolutely avoidable. My purpose is to serve and also to create my own life and lifestyle that inspires my children and others to create theirs. Live by example. Simple and clear.

I started my own business. Became an entrepreneur. I guide my clients and audiences toward their clarity purpose, balance, and joy, so they can impact even more people and inspire others to do the same.

I show my children that things are possible to achieve. Nothing is impossible. You can thrive through hardships and embrace challenges that provide the foundation for your moments of joy and happiness. Contrast is necessary.

“The world belongs to those who believe in their dreams,” said Eleanor Roosevelt. I agree and would add that it belongs to those who believe in their dreams and take a step toward realizing their dreams.


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